International Han Center
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International Han Center
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▌課程 Courses
▶團體課程Group Course
星期一~星期五,學生每週上課時數15小時。15 hrs per week, Mon.~ Fri..
▶客製化課程 Customized Course
星期一~星期五,學生每週上課時數15小時。15 hrs per week, Mon.~ Fri..
一對一中文課 One on one Mandarin
自組團體班 Self- formed group class
文化工作坊 Culture Workshop
▌級數 Level
▌初級 Basic A (初級 Basic A1 & 初級 Basic A2)
You can introduce yourself when they meet new friends. You can answer detailed information, such as: who I am, where I live, what I express, what I want, what I like, etc. You can gradually understand listening, speaking, reading, writing, and pinyin.
▌初級 Basic B (初級 Basic B1 & 初級 Basic B2)
You can understand sentences in daily life, and express their narration of familiar affairs through direct communication in simple and common situations. According to simple words and organized words to describe the time and space background, living environment, campus life, work-life, environmental conditions, and common topics, such as family, friends, work, shopping, and surrounding affairs.
▌中級 Intermediate A (中級 Intermediate A1 & 中級 Intermediate A2)
You can express your needs and describe topics such as school, work, or interests clearly. Gradually your conversation ability will grow from basic to complex sentences. When you travel, you can easily deal with general situations. For example, booking hotels, air tickets, inviting friends, etc. You will be able to express yourself clearly and coherently and describe plans, goals, hopes, and opinions.
▌中級 Intermediate B (中級 Intermediate B1 & 中級 Intermediate B2)
You can understand the meaning of actual and abstract topics in written language. The advanced sentences can be used at work, proposal briefings, detailed descriptions of one's profession, and technical or evidence-based discussions can be added. You can talk to native speakers and express your opinions confidently, naturally, and fluently. You can write about many kinds of subjects in detail. You can read, understand and discuss news and current events, and make corresponding analyses.
▌高級 Advanced A
You can read articles more extensively and in large lengths, and can grasp the meaning of difficult language articles, and understand the extended meaning of articles or people's words. You can express yourself naturally and do not need to look it up. You will be able to use Chinese in academic seminars, professional environments, and social activities with higher communication skills and. You can discuss, organized meticulous documents for complex topics effectively.
▌高級 Advanced B
You can catch what you hear and see easily and quickly in daily life. You can discuss complex topics, summarizing different information and key points coherently. You can express yourself fluently and accurately in complex communication or debates.
▌課本 Text book
A Course in Contemporary Chinese 1-6
The group course materials use the "Contemporary Chinese Course" textbook curated by "National Taiwan Normal University Mandarin Teaching Center". There are many practical dialogues, local Taiwanese culture, scenic spots and food in the text.
▌初級 Basic A
當代中文1 - A Course in Contemporary Chinese 1
課程主題 Course topic
▌課程:初級 Basic A1
第 1課 歡迎你來臺灣! Welcome to Taiwan!
第2課 我的家人 My Family第3課 週末做什麼? What Are You Doing Over the Weekend?
第4課 請問一共多少錢 Excuse me. How Much Does That Cost in Total?
第5課 牛肉麵真好吃 Beef Noodles Are Really Delicious
第6課 他們學校在山上 Their School Is Up in the Mountains
第7課 早上九點去 KTV Going to KTV at 9 O’clock in the Morning
第8課 坐火車去臺南 Taking a Train to Tainan
▌課程:初級 Basic A2
第9課 放假去哪裡玩? Where Will You Go for the Holidays?
第10課 臺灣的水果很好吃 The Fruit in Taiwan Tastes Really Good
第 11課 我要租房子 I Would Like to Rent a Place
第12課 你在臺灣學多久的中文? How Long Will You Be Studying Chinese in Taiwan?
第13課 生日快樂 Happy Birthday
第14課 天氣這麼冷! It’s So Cold!
第15課 我很不舒服 I Don’t Feel Well▌初級 Basic B
當代中文2 - A Course in Contemporary Chinese 2課程主題 Course topic
▌課程:初級 Basic B1
第 1課 請問,到師大怎麼走? Excuse Me. How Do You Get to Shida?
第2課 還是坐捷運吧! Take the MRT Instead!
第3課 你的中文進步了! Your Chinese Has Improved!
第4課 我打工,我教法文 I Work Part-time. I Teach French.
第5課 吃喜酒 Attending a Wedding Reception
第6課 我打算搬到學校附近 I Plan to Move Closer to School
第7課 垃圾車來了! The Garbage Truck Is Here!第8課 學功夫 Learning Kungfu
▌課程:初級 Basic B2第9課 那個城市好漂亮 That City Is Really Beautiful
第10課 歡迎到我家來包餃子 Come to My Place to Make Dumplings
第 11課 台灣好玩的地方真多 Taiwan Really Has Lots of Fun Places
第12課 怎麼吃才健康? How to Have a Healthy Diet?
第13課 我的手機掉了 I Lost My Cell Phone
第14課 我要開始找工作了 I Am Going to Start Looking for a Job
第15課 過春節 Lunar New Year▌中級 Intermediate A
當代中文3 - A Course in Contemporary Chinese 3
課程主題 Course topic
▌課程:中級 IntermediateA1
第 1課 開學了 School Starts
第2課 八折起 Up to 20% off
第3課 外套帶了沒有? Did You Bring Your Coat?
第4課 我愛台灣的人情味 I Love Taiwanese Hospitality
第5課 現在流行什麼? What Are the Trends Now?
第6課 到鄉下住一晚! Spending the Night in the Countryside第7課 我最親的家「人」 My Closest “Family”
第8課 我想做自己 I Just Want to Be Myself
▌課程: 中級 IntermediateA2
第9課 網購時代 The Age of Online Shopping
第10課 我住院了 I’m Staying in the Hospital
第 11課 台灣故事 The Story of Taiwan
第12課 我要去投票 I am Going to Cast My Vote▌中級 Intermediate B
當代中文4 - A Course in Contemporary Chinese 4
課程主題 Course topic
▌課程: 中級 IntermediateB1
第 1課 十七歲還是二十五歲? 17 or 25-Years Old?
第2課 眼睛、耳朵的饗宴 A Feast for the Eyes and Ears
第3課 雲端科技 Cloud Technology
第4課 床該擺哪裡? Where Should the Bed Go?
第5課 有夢最美 Pursuing Your Dreams
第6課 天搖地動 Shaking Heavens and Trembling Earth
第7課 大學生的事 College Student Matters
第8課 他們的選擇 Their Choice
▌課程: 中級 IntermediateB2
第9課 再談台灣故事 More on the Story of Taiwan
第10課 應徵 Applying for a Job
第 11課 文化、種族的大熔爐 The Big Cultural and Ethnic Melting Pot
第12課 期待美好的未來 Looking Forward to a Beautiful Future
▌高級 Advanced A
當代中文5 - A Course in Contemporary Chinese 5
課程主題 Course topic
▌高級 Advanced A1
第 1課 言論自由的界線 The Boundary of Freedom
第2課 關於基改食品,我有話要說 I have something to say about the food reform
第3課 第三課 整形好不好 Plastic surgery
第4課 傳統與現代 Traditional and Modern
第5課 代理孕母,帶來幸福? Surrogate mother, bring happiness?
▌高級 Advanced A2
第6課 死刑的存廢 Storing and abolishing the death penalty
第7課 增富人稅=減窮人苦? Increase the tax of the rich = reduce the suffering of the poor?
第8課 左右為難的難民問題 The dilemma of refugees
第9課 有核到底可不可? Nuclear energy topic
第10課 同性婚姻合法化 Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage
▌高級 Advanced B
當代中文6 - A Course in Contemporary Chinese 6
課程主題 Course topic
▌高級 Advanced B1
第1課 職校教育 Vocational school education
第2課 科技與生活 Technology and Life
第3課 舞蹈藝術 Dance art
第4課 做人心法 Do things
第5課 國際語言 International Language▌高級 Advanced B2
第6課 貓熊角色 Panda character
第7課 感情世界 Emotional world
第8課 奧運黑洞 Olympic black hole
第9課 鄉關何處 Talking about your hometown
第10課 智慧與能力 Wisdom and ability▌客製化課程教材 Customized Course
Customized courses are based on student needs, customized students need textbooks or students prepare textbooks and teaching materials independently.
TOCFL - Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language
Daily Conversation
Travel Chinese
Business Chinese
Survival Chiens
聯絡我們 Contact us
▌免費學習資源 Free learning source
自己複習簡單的聲詞&句子Review the simple words and sentences by yourself
Basic words in mandarin
you, I , he, she, it in mandarin
Basic Words in Mandarin 2
Moon, sun, water, fire, mountain, stone, field and earth.
Five Chinese elements
4 Season in mandarin
Describe the weather and feeling in mandarin
Planets in mandarin
International Han Center
B1, No.115, Sec. 1 Heping E. Rd. Da-an District, 106 , Taipei ,Taiwan
Contact us
tel +886-2-2351-9368
fax +886-2-2351-9371
Open hours
Mon.~ Fri. 9:00 - 22:00
Sat. & Sun. 9:00 - 17:00
北市補習班證字第 6066 號
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